A healthcare generative artificial intelligence startup has tapped three current and former health system executives as advisers.
Hippocratic AI, which is developing a large language model for healthcare, named the three leaders to its physician advisory council Jan. 23. They are:
— Sarah Pletcher, MD, system vice president and executive medical director of strategic innovation at Houston Methodist.
— David Shulkin, MD, ex-secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and former executive at Morristown (N.J.) Medical Center, Beth Israel Medical Center (New York City), Temple University Hospital (Philadelphia) and Penn Medicine (Philadelphia).
— Retired Lt. Gen. James Peake, MD, former VA secretary.
They join the company's seven other physician advisers, including C-suite leaders from Cleveland Clinic and Cleveland-based University Hospitals.
Co-founded by a former health system COO, Hippocratic AI launched in May with $50 million in funding co-led by General Catalyst. It has also partnered with Cincinnati Children's, Scottsdale, Ariz.-based HonorHealth, and King of Prussia, Pa.-based Universal Health Services.