An infographic from Objective Health shares some findings on the relationship between hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers today.
• Sixty percent of hospitals are located a five-minute drive away from an ASC.
• The number of ASC operating rooms has doubled over the past decade, growing from roughly 10,000 in 2001 to 20,000 in 2011.
• From 2006 through 2009, for procedures such as shoulder arthroscopy, ASCs and hospitals shared in an average 1.4 times annual growth.
• As the industry shifts toward population health models, however, ASCs' price advantage positions them to grow at the hospital's expense. For shoulder arthroscopy procedures, hospitals average $2,085 in Medicare payments, while ASCs average 42 percent less than that with $1,201.
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• Sixty percent of hospitals are located a five-minute drive away from an ASC.
• The number of ASC operating rooms has doubled over the past decade, growing from roughly 10,000 in 2001 to 20,000 in 2011.
• From 2006 through 2009, for procedures such as shoulder arthroscopy, ASCs and hospitals shared in an average 1.4 times annual growth.
• As the industry shifts toward population health models, however, ASCs' price advantage positions them to grow at the hospital's expense. For shoulder arthroscopy procedures, hospitals average $2,085 in Medicare payments, while ASCs average 42 percent less than that with $1,201.
More Articles on Hospitals and ASCs:
Key Thoughts for a Physician-Hospital ASC Joint VenturePhysician-Hospital Joint Ventures: How to Prevent Failure
10 Hospitals & Health Systems Recently Developing Surgery Centers
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