Google rolled out its latest mobile operating system, dubbed Pie, to Google Pixel users signed up for Android's beta version Aug. 6, TechCrunch reports.
One of Pie's hallmarks is a new suite of "digital wellness" features to help users "unplug" from their smartphones. These digital wellness tools are part of a growing trend among technology companies, which have recently faced criticism over users' potential addiction to smartphones and online technologies.
Google's Pie includes a digital wellness dashboard, which enables users to measure how much time they spend on their devices, and a timer to let users set time limits for select apps.
Apple has rolled out similar features to iPhone users. The company's iOS 12, released also Aug. 6, includes a dashboard to track weekly iPhone use and a timer feature. The update also offers a tool called Downtime that allows users to schedule time away from their smartphone.
Unlike Google's Pie, Apple's iOS 12 was released to all iPhone users — as opposed to a select beta group, according to TechCrunch