Matt Muhart, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer at Memorial Healthcare System

This episode features Matt Muhart, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer at Memorial Healthcare System. Here, he discusses how he is currently looking at strategy, his focus on access to care, what he thinks about big tech & retail disruptors in healthcare, and more.


Matt Muhart, EVP and Chief Strategy Officer at Memorial Healthcare System, Discusses Healthcare Strategy and Access to Care

Focusing on Access to Care and Addressing the Unsustainable Healthcare Costs in the US

Matt Muhart, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of Memorial Healthcare System, is taking a macro view on healthcare strategy by examining the unsustainable healthcare costs in the US. He closely follows the trends in the healthcare ecosystem, paying attention to what payers are doing, what new entrants are looking at solving, and what the role of big tech and retail disruptors is in the industry.

Potential Partnership Opportunities with Tech and Retail Giants

In order to drive outcomes and meet consumer needs, Matt Mu Hartz sees potential partnership opportunities with tech and retail giants such as Amazon and CVS. By incorporating innovative ideas from these companies into the healthcare sector, they can work together to transform the industry and create better solutions.

Positive Conversations at the Policy Level Addressing Social Determinants of Health

Matt Muhart is also optimistic about the conversations happening at the policy level around the US to address social determinants of health. By addressing these social factors and understanding how they impact healthcare, they can identify ways to improve outcomes and reduce costs.

The Importance of Healthcare Access

One of Matt Muhart's primary focuses is on healthcare access. He believes that every person deserves access to quality healthcare and works tirelessly to ensure that patients can receive the care they need. With a continued focus on healthcare access and innovative ideas from tech and retail giants, the future of healthcare looks bright.


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This episode aired on 10/30/2022 and can be listened here.


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