How to Determine a Strong Technology Partner for Infusion Centers with KLAS Research

In this episode Scott Becker speaks with Ashley Joseph, Vice President of Client Services for Infusion Centers at LeanTaaS, and Niel Oscarson, Research Director for KLAS Research. They discuss AI's role in operational efficiency, the importance of quality customer research, building solutions based on those results, and much more. This episode is sponsored by LeanTaaS.


AI and Quality Research: Improving Infusion Center Operations


In this episode of Becker's Healthcare Podcast, Ashley Joseph, Vice President of Client Services for Infusion Centers at LeanTaaS, and Niel Oscarson, Research Director for KLAS Research, discuss the role of AI in operational efficiency, the importance of quality customer research, building solutions based on those results, and much more.

The Importance of Infusion Centers

Ashley Joseph discussed LeanTaaS and their predictive analytics platform called IQ, which is used in 500 hospitals and 13 of the top 20 health systems. Neilson discussed the challenges of using grid-based scheduling and how it doesn’t work well with infusion centers due to the variability of individual cases and the linked appointments associated with them.

The Success of LeanTaaS

KLAS Research did a Spotlight report on LeanTaaS' IQ for Infusion Centers product, which scored a 92.9 out of 100. Customers are extremely satisfied with the product's performance. The report found that LeanTaaS was able to improve patient wait times, reduce staff overtime and breaks, and increase patient throughput without adding more resources. Additionally, patients were able to have an easier time scheduling appointments than before. This demonstrates the power of high-quality analytics and predictive models in improving operations and outcomes in infusion centers.

The Future of AI-based Capacity Management

Predictive analytics is useful for customers and has had a positive impact. However, there is still room for improvement in the product. The main challenge in AI-based capacity management is getting customers to adopt these technologies and use them in an impactful way.


In conclusion, AI and quality customer research are essential in improving operations and outcomes in infusion centers. LeanTaaS has proven to be successful in this area with its IQ for Infusion Centers product. While there is still work to be done, it's clear that predictive analytics and AI technologies have enormous potential to revolutionize healthcare operations and improve patient outcomes.


Note: This is an AI generated transcript, not edited by a staff writer and is solely intended for educational purposes. If you have any questions/concerns, reach out to


This episode aired on 12/13/2022 and can be listened here.


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