How Digital Therapeutics Are Improving Quality & Driving ROI in Cardiovascular Disease Management

In this episode, Dr. Edo Paz, Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs, and Victoria Andrews, RNP, Senior Director of Solutions Consulting at Hello Heart, join us to discuss digital therapeutics and their role in managing heart disease and improving the patient experience. Learn how a user-friendly experience can make tracking and caring for chronic conditions easier for the physician and the patient. This episode is sponsored by Hello Heart.


The Role of Digital Therapeutics in Managing Heart Disease

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US, costing over 200 billion dollars annually. Treatment of the disease presents challenges to physicians, especially in regards to making lifestyle changes outside of appointments. However, digital therapeutics and other engagement strategies can help manage heart disease and improve the patient experience.

What Are Digital Therapeutics?

Digital therapeutics are using digital tools to assist in the treatment of conditions after diagnosis, such as an app that helps track medication adherence or lifestyle changes. Digital therapeutics offer users a user-friendly experience that simplifies tracking and caring for chronic conditions.

The Importance of Patient Engagement

Engagement strategies, such as digital therapeutics, can help support patients in managing their conditions and empower them to better understand their condition. Focusing on cardiovascular health and getting patients engaged in their care plans is crucial for improving clinical outcomes.

Hello Heart

Hello Heart is a digital tool aimed at helping patients with heart disease manage their condition. With its user-friendly interface and tools to track medication and lifestyle changes, Hello Heart can help physicians and patients work together to manage the disease. Victoria Andrews, RNP, Senior Director of Solutions Consulting, and Dr. Edo Paz, Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs, have seen great financial and clinical outcomes from using Hello Heart.


Overall, digital therapeutics offer a promising way to manage heart disease and improve clinical outcomes. Hello Heart is one such tool physicians can use to help their patients manage their condition, and other digital therapeutics offer similar benefits. Getting patients engaged in their care plans is crucial for managing heart disease effectively.


Note: This is an AI generated transcript, not edited by a staff writer and is solely intended for educational purposes. If you have any questions/concerns, reach out to


This episode aired on 03/28/2023 and can be listened here.


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