Daryl Tol of General Catalyst and Roxanna Gapstur of WellSpan Health

Health Assurance Podcast: We cannot succeed in isolation. Dr. Stephen Klasko examines the lessons learned from radical collaboration as he talks with Daryl Tol of General Catalyst, and Roxanna Gapstur of WellSpan Health. They swap songs as each defines the ecosystem for success in providing truly integrated care. This episode is sponsored by General Catalyst.


Health Assurance Podcast: Lessons Learned from Radical Collaboration

Health Equity and Trust in Healthcare

The importance of trust and health equity in healthcare was discussed in the latest episode of the Health Assurance Podcast. Dr. Steve Klasko, Daryl Toll of General Catalyst, and Roxanne Gapter of WellSpan Health talked about the importance of partnerships between health systems, clinicians, and innovators in creating access that is trusted and effective. They also stressed the importance of responsible innovation to ensure that all populations are served and health disparities are addressed.

The Future of Healthcare in 2032

Daryl Toll describes a version of the future in which consumers have control over their data and have permission to use it. He explains that this build trust because it is transparent and they are part of the circle of value created. Furthermore, he talks about how artificial intelligence and technology have been used to provide more precise care to patients. Roxanne Gapter believes that by 2032, we should have a seamless way of providing care to people in rural areas and that mental health should be as important as physical health.

WellSpan's Partnership with General Catalyst

WellSpan has been working with General Catalyst to help bring population health, social determinants, health equity, and predictive analytics into mainstream clinical care. Roxanne explains how WellSpan has established a separate innovation team to ensure that they are able to be nimble and flexible in order to partner with tech companies and develop innovative solutions. She emphasizes the importance of having a direct line of communication between senior leadership and the innovation team, something that founders should look for when partnering with health systems.

Healthcare as a Collaboration

The Health Assurance Podcast stresses the importance of partnerships, trust, and radical collaboration in healthcare. They believe that healthcare cannot succeed in isolation and that partnerships between healthcare systems, clinicians, and innovators can create access that is trusted and effective. To create change, healthcare organizations need to relax their viewfinders and accept new solutions.


Note: This is an AI generated transcript, not edited by a staff writer and is solely intended for educational purposes. If you have any questions/concerns, reach out to podcasts@beckershealthcare.com


This episode aired on 12/06/2022 and can be listened here.


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