Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Co. announced that beginning in July it will sell a branded Humira biosimilar known as Yusimry. It is the first biologic product offered by the company.
The billionaire's low-cost pharmaceutical company began offering brand name drugs in early March and has added several since.
The addition of Yusimry, manufactured by Coherus BioSciences, to Cost Plus Drugs offerings marks a move by the company to begin "to make biologics accessible to all," the company said in a tweet.
"We are excited to disrupt the high-cost biologic space by offering Yusimry, a biosimilar of Humira, one of the highest cost drugs in America," Alex Oshmyansky, co-founder and CEO of Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company said in a statement.
Without insurance, purchasing the drug from Mark Cuban's pharmacy will cost around $570.