PillPack, the online pharmacy acquired by Amazon last year, has been accused of violating customer privacy in separate lawsuits within the last year, according to STAT.
The lawsuits accuse the online pharmacy of violating privacy by calling or texting consumers to solicit business. In the lawsuits, customers claim unwanted marketing calls have invaded their privacy.
Mary Alice Lawless, a managing director at health research consulting firm EverythingHealth, said Pillpack's alleged actions could make it challenging to win the trust of customers.
"It seems Amazon/PillPack may not have realized how important it is to protect and retain consumer trust as they begin to offer more healthcare services," Ms. Lawless told healthcare news publication STAT. "Healthcare is not like other consumer industries. The potential upside of new enrollees from automated and invasive calling programs may not be worth the risk."
PillPack denies the lawsuit allegations.