President Donald Trump's approval rating hit 36 percent Monday — his lowest approval rating since taking office, according to a Gallup polling report.
The 36 percent approval rating, recorded between March 24 and March 26, came after the GOP's ACA replacement bill was pulled from the House floor Friday. President Trump's approval rating was 41 percent prior to the cancellation of the House American Health Care Act vote , and was 37 percent for March 16 through March 18, according to the report. Gallup notes his highest approval rating was in January, at 46 percent.
Gallup compared President Trump's 36 percent approval rating to record lows for previous presidents. During Barack Obama's eight years in office, his lowest approval rating was 38 percent, while Bill Clinton's lowest rating was 37 percent, according to the report. George W. Bush's lowest approval rating was 25 percent.