Hospitals' senior managers are more likely to visit certain departments than others, according to a recent study from HR Solutions International, which found food and nutrition departments have the highest perceived visibility to management.
The study ranked employees' perceptions of the visibility of senior management throughout the hospital by employees' rating of how frequently managers visit their department. The five highest-scoring departments with regard to perceived visibility of senior management are: food and nutrition; clinical professionals (social workers, physical therapists, etc.); human resources; hospice; and quality/performance improvement.
In contrast, the lowest-scoring departments are: OB-GYN and oncology (tied); post-anesthesia care unit; cardiology; critical intensive care; and laboratory. Of the lowest-ranking, the study authors suggest that "since employees within those departments are rarely in an office environment and frequently caring for critical patients, they may feel they see their senior managers less frequently than their colleagues in other departments."
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The study ranked employees' perceptions of the visibility of senior management throughout the hospital by employees' rating of how frequently managers visit their department. The five highest-scoring departments with regard to perceived visibility of senior management are: food and nutrition; clinical professionals (social workers, physical therapists, etc.); human resources; hospice; and quality/performance improvement.
In contrast, the lowest-scoring departments are: OB-GYN and oncology (tied); post-anesthesia care unit; cardiology; critical intensive care; and laboratory. Of the lowest-ranking, the study authors suggest that "since employees within those departments are rarely in an office environment and frequently caring for critical patients, they may feel they see their senior managers less frequently than their colleagues in other departments."
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