Hospital workforce wellness starts with priority-focused chief wellness officers: AMA

Armed with a strategic plan and a team to get the job done, chief wellness officers have plenty to do in terms of winning the confidence of their co-senior leaders and setting a robust communications strategy if they want a healthcare systems' workforce to truly embrace a new self-care strategy. 

However, sometimes knowing how to avoid mistakes is just as important as having an actionable plan to get the job done. The American Medical Association released an AMA STEPS Forward toolkit to assist CWOs in spearheading collaborative wellness efforts across their organizations.

According to an AMA release, the toolkit is a guide to help CWOs address and relieve "dysfunction in healthcare by removing the obstacles and burdens that interfere with patient care."

Christine Sinsky, MD, vice president of professional satisfaction at the AMA and co-author of the AMA STEPS toolkit, advised leaders to "take the long view," noting, "Improving the work environment takes time and requires the combined efforts of many people in the different disciplines and departments."

Four tips to know from the CWO toolkit:

First, create a concrete plan of action

When a CWO fails to develop a priority-focused strategy, there is no real pathway forward. Prioritize the things that need to get done in the short-term while putting less critical opportunities on the back burner.

Remember building a team takes time

In this marketplace, where almost every healthcare organization is searching for the highest-quality talent, finding the best employees to help roll out a wellness initiative isn't going to happen overnight. Sourcing and onboarding take time. Be patient as you work diligently to get your team in place.

Don't spread yourself too thin

As previously noted, every hospital leader has their own work to do. A CWO's efforts should be focused on ticking off the boxes on their list of strategic wellness initiatives. Taking on many initiatives at once can easily become distracting for the CWO — and other leadership teams — and prevents optimal collaboration. 

On a related note, remember that trying to do everything at once means nothing will have your full attention. Focus on the most important efforts first.

Stay in your lane

A CWO has specific measurements they must follow to attain maximum efficacy. These are not the same metrics other senior leaders work toward, such as productivity and quality. Focus on the main objective of a CWO — improving the overall well-being of the organization's workforce.

For more tips on excelling in a CWO position, learn about some mistakes you can avoid. 


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