Here are the four most common telehealth diagnoses based on data from Fair Health's Monthly Telehealth Regional Tracker, according to July 6 news release from Fair Health.
1. Mental health conditions.
Mental health conditions were the most prevalent telehealth diagnosis nationally and in every region, and the percentage is on the rise. The rate at which these conditions were diagnosed using telehealth increased from 67.4 percent in March to 68.4 percent in April.
2. Acute respiratory diseases and infections.
Acute respiratory diseases and infections ranked second, despite a decreasing rate of diagnosis. The percentage of telehealth claim lines for these conditions decreased from 3.2 percent in March to 2.7 percent in April.
3. Developmental disorders.
Developmental disorders moved up to the third most common diagnosis via telehealth, after it was listed at fourth place in March.
4. Joint/soft tissue diseases and issues.
Joint and soft tissue diseases and issues dropped to become the fourth most-common telehealth diagnoses, switching places with developmental disorders.