3 ways augmented reality devices could improve supply chain

Augmented reality — an extension of physical reality created by adding layers of computer-generated information to the real environment — could be a useful technology to revolutionize the supply chain industry, according to Appcessories.

Here are three ways augmented reality devices could make the supply chain more efficient.

  1. Optimize picking processes. Most warehouses communicate orders through a paper system that tells workers what to pick off the shelves, which is inefficient and error-prone. Augmented reality offers vision-picking software that includes real-time barcode reading, object recognition, indoor navigation and streamlined integration with the warehouse management system, according to the report. This technology can reduce pick errors and search time, while also limiting the need for employee training on efficient picking methods.
  1. Aid in warehouse planning. Augmented reality devices allow a user to visualize any proposed layout change to a warehouse in full-scale. Users can see whether the measurements of the modification will fit in the space and test out new workflow models.

  2. Boost transportation efficiency. Augmented reality technology can also speed up the freight transportation process. Freight pick-ups require workers to manually count or scan the barcodes of all the cargo that will be transported. With an augmented reality device, users can easily assess the number of pallets or packages and compare the figure to predefined values to quickly determine if the load is ready for pick-up. Augmented reality devices can also speed up the freight loading process by providing the user with a load plan and instructions on which pallets to load first, as well as where to place them on the truck.

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