AchieveIt, an execution management and strategic planning software company, describes three strategies to drive organizational accountability in a white paper.
1. Measure everything. Measuring performance enables organizations to identify strengths and weaknesses so leaders can develop strategic goals.
2. Assign everything. Organizations can enhance accountability by assigning projects to individuals with firm due dates and measurable outcomes.
3. Create transparency. Organizational and individual results should be available to everyone to encourage high performance.
Hamilton Jewelers Adopts AchieveIt's Cloud-Based Strategic Planning Technology
High School Adopts AchieveIt's Cloud-Based Platform for Strategic Planning, Execution
1. Measure everything. Measuring performance enables organizations to identify strengths and weaknesses so leaders can develop strategic goals.
2. Assign everything. Organizations can enhance accountability by assigning projects to individuals with firm due dates and measurable outcomes.
3. Create transparency. Organizational and individual results should be available to everyone to encourage high performance.
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