Eight companies working on healthcare initiatives made Fortune's 2021 list of firms the publication says are changing the world.
For its "Change the World" list, Fortune analyzed how a company's business strategy positively affects society based on four factors: measurable social impact, business results, degree of innovation and corporate integration.
Here are eight healthcare innovators that made the list for 2021, listed by their ranking:
1. The Vaccine Makers (U.S., pharmaceuticals)
5. Viatris (U.S., pharmaceuticals)
13. Prudential (U.S., life and health insurance)
15. Walmart (U.S., drugstore)
20. Illumina (U.S., biotechnology)
33. Butterfly Network (U.S., medical imaging)
50. Stryker (U.S., robotic surgery)
51. Tempus (U.S., biotechnology)