Big data is reshaping the future of healthcare, Kevin Rands, CEO of Online Health Networks, wrote in an op-ed for CIO.
"As the technology progresses and healthcare providers become more comfortable using it, the entire way we view the healthcare system will change," he argues.
Here are four ways big data is influencing the industry, according to Mr. Rands.
1. Artificial intelligence has helped data analytics software become more "intuitive," so that healthcare providers can more easily use the massive amounts of data available today.
2. Smart technologies used in collaboration with predictive analytics help to deliver preventative care techniques.
3. Combined with Internet of Things devices, big data may be the key to solving issues like real-time patient monitoring.
4. Data analytics can streamline fraud detection by identifying suspicious patterns in health records.
"It may be a bumpy ride integrating big data into healthcare, but the destination will be worth it," Mr. Rands concludes.
Click here to read the full op-ed.
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