Marc Sakwa, MD, Chief of CT Surgery, MemorialCare, Chief, CV Surgery, MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute; Medical Director, Adult CV Surgery, MHVI at Long Beach Medical Center

This episode features Marc Sakwa, MD, Chief of CT Surgery, MemorialCare, Chief, CV Surgery, MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute; Medical Director, Adult CV Surgery, MHVI at Long Beach Medical Center. Here, he discusses his background, top 3 biggest issues in cardiology today, how he sees heart care evolving over the next 18 months, and more.


This episode features Marc Sakwa, MD

Background and Expertise

Marc Sakwa, MD, serves as the Chief of CT Surgery at MemorialCare and Chief of CV Surgery at MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute. He is also the Medical Director of Adult CV Surgery at MHVI at Long Beach Medical Center. With his extensive background in cardiothoracic surgery, Dr. Sakwa brings a wealth of expertise to the field.

The Top 3 Biggest Issues in Cardiology Today

According to Dr. Sakwa, there are three major challenges that the field of cardiology is currently facing. The first is the increasing number of older and sicker patients. As the population ages, there is a greater demand for cardiac care, particularly in individuals with complex health conditions.

The second issue highlighted by Dr. Sakwa is the difficulty in training the next generation of heart surgeons. With advancements in technology and evolving surgical techniques, ensuring that young surgeons receive adequate training is crucial for the future of cardiology.

The third challenge discussed by Dr. Sakwa is achieving access for patients who need intervention. Despite the advancements in cardiac care, there are still obstacles in place that limit patients from seeking the necessary treatments. This can range from insurance coverage limitations to lack of awareness about available options.

The Future of Heart Care

Looking ahead, Dr. Sakwa sees heart care evolving over the next 18 months. He is particularly excited about the potential of performing surgery through small incisions, which allows for a less invasive approach. This can lead to quicker recovery times and improved patient outcomes.

However, Dr. Sakwa also acknowledges the need for better collaboration and communication between institutions. He believes that physicians should be more aware of what is available at other medical centers, as this can help advance the field of cardiology and improve patient care.

Another aspect that Dr. Sakwa emphasizes is the importance of increased access to insurance companies. By facilitating easier access to insurance coverage, patients will have the opportunity to seek out programs and treatments that can significantly benefit their heart health.


The discussion with Dr. Marc Sakwa sheds light on the current challenges and future developments in cardiology. With his expertise and passion for improving heart care, Dr. Sakwa provides valuable insights into the field's biggest issues and potential advancements.

We look forward to future conversations with Dr. Sakwa and the impact he makes in the world of cardiology.


Note: This is an AI generated transcript, not edited by a staff writer and is solely intended for educational purposes. If you have any questions/concerns, reach out to


This episode aired on 06/19/2023 and can be listened here.


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