Helen Figge, Chief Strategy Officer at MedicaSoft

In this episode we are joined by Helen Figge, Chief Strategy Officer at MedicaSoft, to discuss the opportunities and headwinds she has her eyes on, advice for navigating similar environments, the best opportunities for growth and more. This episode is sponsored by MedicaSoft.


Navigating the Post-Covid Era: Insights from MedicaSoft's Chief Strategy Officer

As the world returns to some semblance of normalcy after the Covid-19 pandemic, healthcare leaders are faced with a new set of opportunities and challenges. In this episode of our podcast, we sit down with Helen Figge, Chief Strategy Officer at MedicaSoft, to gain her insights on this topic.

About Helen Figge

Helen Figge occupies dual roles in the healthcare industry. She serves as the Chief Strategy Officer at MedicaSoft, a leading provider of health information technology solutions, and is also an Executive in Residence at the Math College of Pharmacy, Health Science University in Boston. Her expertise in healthcare strategy, operational efficiencies, and technology innovation have helped her shape the medical landscape to meet the changing needs of patients and providers alike.

Insights for Healthcare Leaders

During the conversation, Figge provided valuable advice for healthcare leaders navigating the post-Covid era. One key takeaway was the importance of investing back into the human part of healthcare delivery. Patients are seeking compassionate and personalized care, and healthcare providers need to invest in their staff to provide it. Additionally, Figge urged healthcare leaders to look within their organizations to realize capabilities and better understand where their strengths lie. Finally, she emphasized the need for patience and respect in the face of the unknown, as the healthcare industry continues to evolve.

The Best Opportunities for Growth

Finally, Figge discussed areas where she sees potential growth in the healthcare industry. She stressed the importance of behavioral health, and how addressing mental health and addiction challenges can improve overall health outcomes. Additionally, she noted that advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning can help healthcare providers make better decisions and improve patient outcomes, making it a promising avenue for future growth.

About MedicaSoft

This episode of our podcast is sponsored by MedicaSoft. MedicaSoft provides innovative health information technology solutions that enable healthcare organizations to deliver high-quality care while improving efficiencies and outcomes. MedicaSoft's solutions include patient engagement platforms, population health management tools, interoperability solutions, and more. For more information about MedicaSoft's solutions, visit their website today.


Note: This is an AI generated transcript, not edited by a staff writer and is solely intended for educational purposes. If you have any questions/concerns, reach out to podcasts@beckershealthcare.com


This episode aired on 03/08/2023 and can be listened here.

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