Developing an Infection Prevention and Control Champion Program

In this podcast, Mary Cole, RN, MSN, CIC, CJCP, Nurse Consultant and Infection Prevention Specialist with Joint Commission Resources, will discuss tips for developing a successful infection prevention and control champion program. This episode is sponsored by Joint Commission Resources.


Developing a Successful Infection Prevention and Control Champion Program

Sponsored by Joint Commission Resources

For healthcare organizations, infection prevention and control should always be a top priority. That's why Mary Cole, RN, MSN, CIC, CJCP, Nurse Consultant and Infection Prevention Specialist with Joint Commission Resources, is sharing valuable tips for developing an infection prevention and control champion program in this podcast episode.

Who Should Participate in the Program

In order for an infection prevention and control champion program to be successful, it's crucial to involve individuals across departments and levels within the organization. Mary suggests selecting representatives from nursing, environmental services, facilities management, and other relevant departments to serve as champions. This ensures that multiple perspectives are represented and all areas of the organization are accounted for in infection prevention efforts.

Topics for Champions

It's important for champions to be knowledgeable in a variety of areas related to infection prevention and control. Mary recommends including topics such as hand hygiene, antibiotic stewardship, isolation precautions, and outbreak management in training sessions for champions. These topics will prepare champions to take on their role and make informed decisions when it comes to infection prevention and control.

Specific Responsibilities for Champions

Infection prevention and control champions should have a clear understanding of their responsibilities. Mary suggests that their duties include monitoring compliance with infection prevention protocols, identifying opportunities for improvement, leading education initiatives, and reporting on infection data regularly. By providing champions with specific responsibilities, organizations can ensure that infection prevention efforts are consistently being addressed and monitored.

Additional Resources for Developing a Champion Program

Mary emphasizes the importance of leadership in promoting change and infection prevention efforts. Additionally, there are helpful resources available to organizations looking to develop a champion program. The Joint Commission and IHI offer guidelines, libraries, and tools related to infection prevention and control that organizations can utilize. By using these resources and involving key individuals in the organization, a successful infection prevention and control champion program can be developed.


Note: This is an AI generated transcript, not edited by a staff writer and is solely intended for educational purposes. If you have any questions/concerns, reach out to


This episode aired on 11/16/2022 and can be listened here.


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