The following 10 hospitals, health systems and hospital operators have posted job listings seeking pharmacy leaders in the last week.
Note: This is not an exhaustive list. Job listings were compiled from job-seeker websites.
1. Alberta Health Services, based in Canada, seeks a pharmacy manager for its Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary, Alberta.
2. Alvarado Hospital Medical Center, based in San Diego, seeks a pharmacy director.
3. Good Samaritan Hospital, based in San Jose, Calif., seeks a pharmacy director.
4. Grady Health System, based in Atlanta, seeks a vice president of pharmacy and clinical nutrition services.
5. Kaiser Permanente, based in Oakland, Calif., seeks a director of national pharmacy informatics to work in Downey, Calif.
6. Marshfield (Wis.) Clinic Health System seeks a pharmacy services director.
7. Sanford Health, based in Sioux Falls, S.D., seeks a health plan pharmacy director.
8. San Luis Valley Health, based in Alamosa, Colo., seeks a pharmacy director.
9. Shasta Regional Medical Center, based in Redding, Calif., seeks a pharmacy director.
10. Yale New Haven (Conn.) Health seeks an associate director of retail and specialty pharmacy to work in Hamden, Conn.