Some St. Louis-based St. Anthony's Medical Center physicians have expressed concern over the institution's proposed affiliation with Mercy Hospital St. Louis, according to CBS St. Louis.
Samer Cababbe, MD, a physician at St. Anthony's Medical Center, said he believes the hospitals are primarily concerned with cutting costs, even if their actions may negatively affect patients' health.
"The Independent Physician Advisory Board was developed to look at ways to cut costs, and what they've done is look at the hospitals and…decrease reimbursement," said Dr. Cababbe. "Patients need to be very concerned these days with their doctors in terms of making sure that they're not being [sent to physicians] the hospital system [wants to send them to] versus [the physicians a patient's primary provider thinks are] really the best."
St. Anthony's Medical Center declared its intent to affiliate with Mercy Hospital St Louis Feb. 21.