Karen S. Watts, MSN, RN, has been named executive vice president and CNO of Parkland Health & Hospital System in Dallas, according to The Dallas Morning News.
Here are four things to know about Ms. Watts.
1. Ms. Watts joined Parkland on May 11.
2. Ms. Watts replaces Mary Eagan, who served as the county hospital's CNO from 2012 to 2014.
3. Prior to joining Parkland, Ms. Watts was a system vice president of patient care services and CNO at Northeast Georgia Health System in Gainesville. During her tenure there, she had direct responsibility for operational and strategic direction for clinical services including surgical services, medical surgical services, women's services, professional practice, respiratory therapy/sleep centers, critical care services, transport and long-term care, according to the report.
4. Ms. Watts also previously worked at Good Shepherd Health System in Longview, Texas, from 2009 to 2013. She also served more than 17 years at Memorial University Medical Center in Savannah, Ga., ultimately as their senior vice president and CNO.