Todd Almendinger (pictured right), current vice president of finance and CFO of Magruder Hospital
in Port Clinton, Ohio, has been named interim CEO following the resignation of Michael Long, former president and CEO of the hospital.
"Mike has been with Magruder Hospital over 20 years and we value the contributions he has made toward the success of this hospital. We respect the decision he has made and wish him well on his future endeavors," said Paul Druckenmiller, chairman of the hospital's board of trustees. No reason for Mr. Long's resignation was given in the hospital's press release.
Mr. Druckenmiller said the board is considering appropriate steps to find a new permanent CEO.
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Dr. Mitzi Johnston Named CMO of Greene Memorial Hospital and Soin Medical Center

"Mike has been with Magruder Hospital over 20 years and we value the contributions he has made toward the success of this hospital. We respect the decision he has made and wish him well on his future endeavors," said Paul Druckenmiller, chairman of the hospital's board of trustees. No reason for Mr. Long's resignation was given in the hospital's press release.
Mr. Druckenmiller said the board is considering appropriate steps to find a new permanent CEO.
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University Hospital Names Dr. Keith Wilson Chief of StaffUniversity Hospitals Names Patricia DePompei Head of its Children's, Women's Hospitals
Dr. Mitzi Johnston Named CMO of Greene Memorial Hospital and Soin Medical Center