Troy Clark, senior vice president of financial services for the University of New Mexico Sandoval Regional Medical Center, is part of a highly rated team. Moody's Investors Services gave its highest "Aaa" rating to $143.4 million of the hospital's outstanding debt, thanks to the federal Build America Bonds program which grants certain non-profits federally-backed bonds to issue at lowered risk.
Mr. Clark has held his role at the Albuequerque-based hospital since January 2011, bringing with him 13 years of experience in healthcare finance, including his participation in building two physician-owned surgical hospitals as well as a specialty women's hospital.
If you have more information or updates for this profile or would like to recommend a leader to be profiled in the future, please contact Lindsey Dunn, editor in chief, Becker's Hospital Review at
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If you have more information or updates for this profile or would like to recommend a leader to be profiled in the future, please contact Lindsey Dunn, editor in chief, Becker's Hospital Review at
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