HHS' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality awarded physician-researcher Thomas McGinn, MD, a three-year, $1.14 million grant to further development of a clinical decision support system for emergency medicine and inpatient care.
Dr. McGinn is senior vice president and deputy physician-in-chief of New Hyde Park, N.Y.-based Northwell Health. He is also a professor at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, where he has dedicated more than a decade to researching ways to improve clinical decision support tools in EHRs, which are often clunky and time-consuming for clinicians to integrate into their workflow.
Dr. McGinn and his team at the institute's Center for Health Innovations and Outcomes Research will assess their clinical decision support system, which provides clinical predictions for blood clots in the lungs and bleeding risk, and its efficacy in the emergency and inpatient settings.
Read more here.
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