Here are 10 hospitals and health systems that posted job listings seeking revenue cycle management expertise in the last week.
Note: This is not an exhaustive list. Job listings were compiled from websites. Hospitals and health systems are listed in alphabetical order.
1. Southcoast Health (Fairhaven, Mass.) seeks a revenue cycle authorization specialist
2. Inova Health System (Falls Church, Va.) seeks a patient financial services hospital billing trainer
3. Christus Health (Houston) seeks a financial analyst
4. Adair County Memorial Hospital (Greenfield, Iowa) seeks a financial controller
5. Lucile Packard Children's Hospital (Palo Alto, Calif.) seeks a patient financial services revenue cycle representative
6. Ascension Wisconsin (Brown Deer) seeks a director of revenue cycle and practice transformation
7. Mercy (Festus, Mo.) seeks a patient access representative
8. Lake Region Healthcare (Fergus Falls, Minn.) seeks a patient authorization specialist
9. Truman Medical Centers (Kansas City, Mo.) seeks a revenue cycle training analyst
10. Northside Hospital (Atlanta) seeks a revenue cycle manager
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