Sioux Falls ERs see rise in sexual assault calls

The Compass Center in Sioux Falls, S.D., a nonprofit agency that works with sexual assault victims, saw a significant rise in calls to assist sexual assault victims in local emergency rooms since 2015, according to a KSFY report.

Advocates from The Compass Center meet with sexual assault victims in ERs to offer support and educate them about their rights. Advocates responded to 64 calls to assist sexual victims in 2015 and 91 in 2016. In 2017, the number of calls increased to 132.

Although there is an increase in sexual assault victims going to the ER, it does not necessarily mean the area is seeing an increase in sexual assaults, according to Compass Center officials.

"Studies show that when an advocate is present with a sexual assault survivor, they're more likely to get medical services and to go through and get the prophylactic medicine that they need," said Michelle Markgraf, Compass Center executive director. "They're also more likely to report to law enforcement because they feel they have somebody who's on their side."

For that reason, Compass Center officials said they are glad to see their calls going up. "I don't want to say exciting, but it was also good to see because that tells me more people are getting help," Ms. Markgraf said.

"We've definitely seen improvements in just our community's response, the community resources that are available, and then the expertise of the members of [the sexual assault response team]," Michelle Trent, Compass Center assistant director, noted as a possible reason for the increase in calls to the ER. "People that may have been reluctant to report in the past because of their experiences are more likely to come forward and make those reports because they have a supportive community," Ms. Trent said. 

Compass Center officials also want to emphasize the importance of allowing sexual assault victims to take their time reporting the crime and to remind them that they are not obligated to file a police report if they go to the ER, Ms. Markgraf said.

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