Lurie Children's ransomware attack breached 791,000+ patient records

Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago revealed 791,784 patients had their information breached as a result of a ransomware attack earlier this year.

The children's hospital identified the data breach June 17, according to a report from the Office of the Maine Attorney General, and began notifying patients June 27. After investigating the incident, Lurie Children's said cybercriminals had access to its systems Jan. 26 to 31.

When hospital officials identified the attack on Jan. 31, they took all electronic systems offline. The attack disrupted the hospital's EHR and patient portal for several weeks. Lurie Children's said patient names, addresses, service dates, health claims information, Social Security numbers and more were impacted by the breach.

However, the hospital has not found indication cybercriminals were able to access information in patient records.

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