The most hacked password in the U.S. in 2023 so far is "password," according to a report from SafetyDetectives.
The cybersecurity firm analyzed more than 18 million passwords worldwide, with 9 million being from the general population. The company gauged the most used passwords, most popular password patterns, and specific cultural references. SafetyDetectives found 25 percent of the most common passwords in the U.S. contain "qwerty" as a partial or exact match.
Worldwide, the most common passwords are:
- 123456
- password
- 123456789
- 12345
- 12345678
- qwerty
- 1234567
- 111111
- 1234567890
- 123123
- abc123
- 1234
- password1
- iloveyou
- 1q2w3e4r
- 000000
- qwerty123
- zaq12wsx
- dragon
- sunshine
- princess
- letmein
- 654321
- monkey
- 27653
- 1qaz2wsx
- 123321
- qwertyuiop
- superman
- asdfghjkl