Unlocking Hidden OR Capacity: A New Approach to Boosting Efficiency

Imagine uncovering significant hidden potential within your hospital’s surgical services. What could you do? How could this impact strategic planning and case volume growth potential?

A recent collaboration between Fujitsu and Baptist Health South Florida demonstrated how optimizing block scheduling can reveal up to 37% more prime time OR capacity. Given the typical inefficiencies in surgical block arrangements, this represents a substantial opportunity for improvement through higher case volume and optimal facility-wide OR utilization, while strengthening collaboration with surgeons.

At the heart of this transformation is an intelligent SaaS solution that Fujitsu developed in collaboration with BHSF which offers personalized recommendations. These evidence-based recommendations, consider the unique operations and policies of each hospital. By providing clear, actionable insights, this solution empowers hospital leaders and OR schedulers to increase their data-driven decision-making proficiency, significantly enhancing the efficiency and economics of surgical services. This holistic approach not only streamlines OR capacity management but also supports strategic planning initiatives in the C-suite that are designed to attract higher case volumes. The potential for improving financial health and operational efficiency is considerable.

BHSF’s Chief Medical Innovation Officer, Dr. Barry Katzen, shared the following views about the solution: “Fujitsu’s solution challenges the conventional way of managing OR utilization. It targets the root cause, not the symptoms, revolutionizing OR schedules to yield the best outcome for both hospitals and patients.”

 So, how is this solution different?

Other solutions task surgeons with giving back block time they do not plan use. This is a step in the right direction when these actions are far enough in advance. However, this approach does not address underlying inefficiencies in existing block schedules which present as hidden capacity that cannot be utilized. Fujitsu’s holistic approach examines the entire block schedule from the ground up, identifies the most optimal block configuration for maximizing facility-wide utilization, and then makes highly targeted scheduling recommendations enabling surgical services leaders to continuously uncover capacity and repurpose that capacity for new cases to improve and sustain case volume growth in a manner aligned with all surgical services stakeholders.

To understand the full impact of Fujitsu’s solution at Baptist Health South Florida, read the detailed case study below and see firsthand how these strategies can be applied to transform surgical services at your hospital.

Customer stories - Baptist Health South Florida : Fujitsu Global
Baptist Health South Florida Case Study PDF

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