Stephen Klasko, MD. President and CEO of Jefferson Health (Philadelphia). Dr. Klasko became CEO of Jefferson Health in 2013 and in five years was able to grow the system from a three-hospital urban academic medical center to a 14-hospital regional academic medical center through a merger with Abington Health in 2015. In 2016, Jefferson Health also acquired Aria Health, and this past year Dr. Klasko oversaw the merger between Jefferson and Kennedy Health, expanding Jefferson's reach by three additional hospitals, and Thomas Jefferson University combined with Philadelphia University in July 2017. In January 2018, Magee Rehabilitation Hospital joined the system. Over the course of his career, Dr. Klasko has served as dean of two medical colleges, president of a medical college and CEO of three academic health centers. He is a vocal proponent for transforming the American healthcare system and is the author of the book We Can Fix Healthcare: The Future is Now, which was published in 2016.