A $1.1 million federal grant will fund training for healthcare workers in South Dakota to deliver telehealth services.
"This three-year project will foster a practice-ready health care workforce trained in cutting-edge technologies while simultaneously increasing access to quality care across South Dakota," Haifa Samra, PhD, dean of the University of South Dakota School of Health Sciences and the grant's principal investigator, said in the release.
Four notes:
1. The University of South Dakota Division of Health Affairs received the funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration, according to an Oct. 30 news release from the Vermillion-based university.
2. The USD School of Health Sciences and the Sanford School of Medicine, along with university departments, are working to establish infrastructure and talent to support a telehealth collaborative and expand services.
3. The collaborative will build a telehealth platform to train South Dakota healthcare students and create an education network, including a telehealth curriculum and certificate program.
4. The telehealth collaborative will also recruit and develop faculty to form a telehealth team.