Employer-provided health insurance costs likely to rise: 5 notes

Health insurance costs are likely to increase in 2025, while raises are projected to remain flat, The Wall Street Journal reported Oct. 14.

Here are five key takeaways from the report, which cited a survey conducted by benefits advisory firm Mercer and data from payroll provider ADP:

1. The cost of employer-provided health insurance rose 7% in 2024 and will likely increase again in 2025, the Journal reported.

2. Some organizations that have been absorbing rising costs for physician visits and medications said employees will see higher deductibles as a result.

3. Merit raises are projected to average 3.3% in 2025. About half of the 1,800 employers recently surveyed by Mercer said their health plans will include pricier deductibles in 2025.

4. It is common for employees starting a new role that pays 10% more than their previous one to discover their paychecks were barely raised because of expensive benefits, the Journal reported. 

5. The average employee who switched roles in September received an average raise of 6.6%, its lowest rate since spring 2021, according to ADP.

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