Researchers suggest proven weight loss programs could save Medicare several billions of dollars, according to a study published in Health Affairs.
Weight loss programs, with an emphasis on lifestyle modification, have been shown to drive down chronic disease. Researchers suggest expanding weight loss programs nationwide and enrolling overweight and obese prediabetic adults ages 60-64 could save Medicare approximately $1.8-2.3 billion over the next 10 years.
If the weight loss program was expanded even more to include overweight individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease, savings are projected to be $3-$3.7 billion, leading to a possible lifetime Medicare savings of $7-$15 billion for a single cohort of eligible individuals.
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Weight loss programs, with an emphasis on lifestyle modification, have been shown to drive down chronic disease. Researchers suggest expanding weight loss programs nationwide and enrolling overweight and obese prediabetic adults ages 60-64 could save Medicare approximately $1.8-2.3 billion over the next 10 years.
If the weight loss program was expanded even more to include overweight individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease, savings are projected to be $3-$3.7 billion, leading to a possible lifetime Medicare savings of $7-$15 billion for a single cohort of eligible individuals.
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