5 Concerns Shared by C-Suite Execs and Supply Chain Leaders

For a hospital's supply chain to be effective, there must be prompt strategic discussions and action plan development from both C-level executives and supply chain leaders, according to the Association for Healthcare Resource & Materials Management Executive Thought Leader Forum.

The AHRMM, part of the American Hospital Association, hosted the forum in August to see where hospital executives and hospital supply chain leaders stood as the healthcare industry transitions from fee-for-service to value-based care.

Leaders from both areas did not agree on all issues of supply chain management, such as where the best sources of supply chain savings are, but the following five concerns were common ground for the two groups.

1.    Medicare reimbursement reductions.

2.    Avenues for rate and revenue increases.

3.    Capital access and cost of capital.

4.    Capacity to handle increased volume of formerly uninsured patients.

5.    Adequate nurse staffing.

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