Legionella bacteria has been found in the Salem (Va.) Veterans Affairs Medical Center's water supply, and one patient has fallen ill with Legionnaires' disease, according to a report from The Roanoke Times.
Even though Legionella bacterium has been detected in the water supply, a hospital spokeswoman told The Roanoke Times the patient in question was an outpatient and "there is no definitive causation that he contracted legionella from the facility, as the bacterium is ubiquitous in the environment."
According to the hospital, the Legionella in its water system poses "minimal risk" to its patients. However, the hospital is working to reduce the level of the bacteria in the water by flushing the system and using point-of-use filters, according to the report.
Legionella bacteria can be found naturally in the environment, but it can cause Legionnaires' disease, a form of pneumonia that can be deadly. People with weak immune symptoms are more susceptible to developing the disease.
Find five steps to prevent Legionnaires' disease in hospitals here.