Nurses at Worcester-based UMass Memorial Medical Center plan to strike May 23 to protest unsafe staffing levels, according to a Telegram & Gazette report.
Members of the Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United voted on the strike in April. Roughly 2,000 nurses are represented by the union. According to the report, the strike would be the largest nursing strike in Massachusetts state history.
UMass Memorial has hired replacement nurses through a staffing agency to take over for the striking nurses, the Telegram & Gazette reported.
Nurses in East Bay Sutter Health Hospitals to Strike
Members of the Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United voted on the strike in April. Roughly 2,000 nurses are represented by the union. According to the report, the strike would be the largest nursing strike in Massachusetts state history.
UMass Memorial has hired replacement nurses through a staffing agency to take over for the striking nurses, the Telegram & Gazette reported.
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CVPH Medical Center Nurses PicketNurses in East Bay Sutter Health Hospitals to Strike