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Healthcare mergers and acquisitions: 6 things to know

Mergers and acquisitions continue in healthcare as the industry sees more consolidation nationally and globally.

Six statistics reported by Becker's Hospital Review this year:

1. About $2.35 trillion in deals have occurred globally this year, up 57 percent compared to the same period last year. At this pace, the global M&A market could reach $4.8 trillion for all of 2018, which would top the prior record of $4.3 trillion in 2007, according to a report by Dealogic cited by The Wall Street Journal.

2. In January, senior executives from some of the largest drugmakers anticipated Republicans' tax overhaul would spur more deals by drugmakers this year. As of June, at least 20 pharma deals had been reported by Becker's Hospital Review.

3. A joint report by West Monroe Partners and Mergermarket, published in May, showed there were nearly 580 deals for U.S. healthcare targets in 2017. It also found 26 percent of market practitioners cited outdated IT infrastructure as the biggest oversight during due diligence in their most recent healthcare acquisition.

4. Thirty hospital and health system deals were made in the first quarter of 2018, up more than11 percent from the first quarter of 2017, according to an analysis by Kaufman Hall, & Associates released April 26.

5. Global corporate healthcare mergers and acquisitions activity reached $332 billion in 2017, up 27 percent from the year prior, according to a Bain & Co. report released April 18.

6. Greenberg Advisors, a revenue cycle management and health IT-focused investment bank, in March reported more than $19.5 billion in deal value in healthcare IT and RCM sectors in 2017, up 15 percent from 2016. Greenberg Advisors also reported healthcare IT and RCM deal volume reached 164 completed transactions in 2017, up from 130 the year prior.


Alyssa Rege and Alia Paavola contributed to this report. 


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