6 ways physician leaders can curb busywork

An overinterpretation of state and federal regulations often creates unnecessary work for physicians, according to the American Medical Association. 

This busywork leads to substantial costs for health systems and hospitals, the AMA said. For example, a change that saves physicians one hour per day can save a health system nearly $40,000 per physician per year. 

To bolster well-being and decrease burnout among health system physicians, the AMA shared six tips to reduce this burden in a Sept. 12 article. Here are the recommended steps for physician leaders: 

1. Encourage prescribers to write chronic medication prescriptions for the maximum allowed length of time. Laws vary by state, from 12 months to 24 months, but offering the maximum supply can improve adherence, build patient-physician trust and lower the prescription processing burden. 

2. Adjust automatic logout times on electronic health records. A HIPAA rule strongly suggests automatic logoff procedures, but there is no specific timeframe. When appropriate for the practice setting, health systems should consider altering EHR logout times to cut down on how often physicians have to login. 

3. Reduce evaluation and management documentation requirements. No federal laws prohibit other clinically trained workers from performing E/M documentation, and recent decisions from AMA and CMS have simplified this task. 

4. Appropriately bill for preventive and problem-focused E/M services. Physicians often undercode for these services, but "accurately documenting all medically appropriate care and billing for what was done can help physicians be reimbursed for what is often significant amounts of uncompensated care," the AMA said. 

5. Involve other staff members in order entries. Federal regulations allow clinical and administrative staff to pend or file orders in specific cases, and this delegation can save physicians time. 

6. Allow verbal orders in outpatient settings. CMS advises against verbal orders for medications and biologics in hospitals, but there are no limits for outpatient care settings.

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