The 2014 HIMSS Nursing Informatics Workforce Survey released at the HIMSS Annual Conference and Exhibition in Orlando shows the presence and prevalence of informatics in nursing continues to grow.
The survey results are compiled from the responses of more than 1,000 nurse informatics specialists. Here are nine key findings from the survey.
1. Thirty-seven percent of respondents reported only having on-the-job training for their informatics role.
2. From the 2011 survey to the 2014 survey, the percent of respondents who earned a higher degree in informatics increased by 24 percent.
3. Forty-three percent of respondents said they were currently enrolled in some sort of informatics training, either a degree program or non-degree program.
4. Nurse informaticist specialists' base salaries have been steadily increasing. The reported average in the 2014 survey was $100,717, up from $98,703 in 2011 and $83,675 in 2007.
5. Forty-six percent of respondents indicated having more than seven years of experience in an informatics position.
6. One a scale of one (lowest) to seven (highest), 57 percent of respondents said they were satisfied or highly satisfied with their current position, indicating a score of six or above.
7. Eighty-one percent said they were satisfied or highly satisfied with their career choice in informatics.
8. Sixty-seven percent of respondents said they do not have a supervisory role, up from 61 percent in 2011.
9. Forty-three percent of respondents held a post-graduate degree (master's or PhD) in nursing, up from 36 percent in 2011.
Respondents also indicated a lack of administrative support and staff resources as the main barriers to success. In the 2004 and 2007 surveys, respondents said the lack of financial resources was the main barrier. In 2011, respondents indicated the main barrier was lack of integration and operability.
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