Below are 10 hospitals and health systems that recently posted job listings seeking CFOs.
Note: This is not an exhaustive list. Job listings were compiled from online job-seeker websites. Hospitals and health systems are listed in alphabetical order.
1. Carlsbad (N.M.) Medical Center
2. East Orange (N.J.) General Hospital
3. Grant Memorial Hospital (Petersburg, W.Va.)
4. Lower Umpqua Hospital District (Reedsport, Ore.)
5. Mesa View Regional Hospital (Mesquite, Nev.)
6. Queen of the Valley Medical Center (Napa, Calif.)
7. Samaritan Hospital (Macon, Mo.)
8. Sierra Vista (N.M.) Hospital
9. St. John's Regional Medical Center (Oxnard, Calif.)
10. St. Joseph Medical Center (Houston)