VA presents EHR wish list ahead of Cerner contract finalization

The Department of Veterans Affairs published its EHR requirements in preparation for awarding its estimated $10 billion EHR contract to Cerner.

The work statement notes Cerner is required to "collaborate with VA affiliates, community partners, EHR providers, healthcare providers and vendors to advance seamless care throughout the healthcare provider market," according to Politico Morning eHealth newsletter. An integrated inpatient and outpatient solution that enables access to and sharing of data to support clinical and business operations is a must, the VA added.

After the initial implementation, Cerner should also provide software that allows the VA "to release and consume … a veteran's complete longitudinal health record to and from [Department of Defense] and connected community partners."

During the first two years of the contract, Cerner should enable its EHR to allow the VA to share referral management, admission and discharge notifications. The company must also build a tool for "identification and management of veterans at high risk of suicide," the requirements read, according to Politico.

This documentation is typically distributed to all bidders for a government contract, but VA Secretary David Shulkin, MD, announced in June a sole source contract with Cerner.

Click here to read the full requirements documentation.

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