Continuous availability and affordability of vital medical supplies and medicines as well as ensuring medical centers could function were crucial throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Regional cooperation played a critical role. The Pan American Health Organization revealed its strategies for mitigating disruption in The Lancet on Dec. 6.
1. Technical cooperation
The PAHO worked closely with medical experts and suppliers across multiple levels, both nationally and regionally, to create robust guidelines.
2. Multiple sources
The organization worked with an expansive list of suppliers, manufacturers and distributors to source necessary materials.
3. Building capacity
PAHO worked with multiple health programs to strengthen supply chains and integrate them with one another.
4. Quality control
Using World Health Organization guidance, PAHO constantly assessed international guidelines and recommendations of drugs, medical devices and diagnostics.
5. Financing
All member states of PAHO had the ability to draw from a line of credit from the organization, allowing them to access funds quickly.