The majority of infection control practitioners do not trust their hospital's laundering system, with 72 percent of ICPs reporting they would not wipe their drinking glass with a freshly laundered hospital mopping pad or wipe, according to a recent survey conducted by Contec.
Fifty percent of laundered mops and wipes still contain living bacteria levels exceeding national standards, a study published in the American Journal of Infection Control found.
Four things to know about the poll:
1. Contec, a cleaning supplies manufacturer, gathered the poll data at the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology Conference June 13 to 15 in Minneapolis.
2. The poll found 42 percent of ICPs have noted trash, debris or hair in freshly cleaned fabrics.
3. The majority (62 percent) of ICPs said they have not seen hospital leaders conduct a complete visual audit of their facility's laundry process and have also not seen personnel test the compatibility of their disinfectant and laundered microfiber (60 percent).
4. More than half of poll respondents (54 percent) said they are not familiar with, or are unsure of, the Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council and their standards for laundry inspection and "load" processes.