In preparation for International Infection Prevention Week — Oct. 15 to Oct. 21 — the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology created an infographic detailing the ABCs of prescribing antibiotics.
Here are the ABCs of antibiotic prescribing, according to APIC.
Ask yourself if antibiotics are necessary and what alternative treatments are available.
Bacteria, not viruses, are targeted by antibiotics, so get a culture to determine antibiotic effectiveness when possible.
Conserve antibiotics by prescribing for the shortest duration possible when appropriate.
Don't succumb to pressure from patients for unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions.
Educate patients on why antibiotics are not needed to treat colds or flu, most coughs, sore throats unrelated to strep, runny noses and most earaches.
To download the infographic, click here.
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