Fifty-seven percent of hospital and health system leaders still don't know how the final rules for Medicare accountable care organizations will affect their organization's participation in the program, according to a survey from KPMG and Epstein Becker Green.
Sixteen percent said their position on ACOs did not change after the final Medicare Shared Savings Program rule was released and they still plan to participate in the program. Seven percent said the final rules moved them to participate, while 13 percent said their position to not participate remains unchanged.
Insurers, who were surveyed separately, echoed these sentiments. Roughly half of those polled said they still don't know about their organization's potential participation in ACOs.
Of the hospital executives who are interested in participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program, 16 percent said they would participate in the CMS bundled payment model. Fourteen percent said they would launch their own ACO structure.
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Sixteen percent said their position on ACOs did not change after the final Medicare Shared Savings Program rule was released and they still plan to participate in the program. Seven percent said the final rules moved them to participate, while 13 percent said their position to not participate remains unchanged.
Insurers, who were surveyed separately, echoed these sentiments. Roughly half of those polled said they still don't know about their organization's potential participation in ACOs.
Of the hospital executives who are interested in participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program, 16 percent said they would participate in the CMS bundled payment model. Fourteen percent said they would launch their own ACO structure.
Related Articles on ACOs:
Survey: Nearly 50% of Physicians Still Unsure About ACOsHot Spots and Ghost Towns: 5 Observations on ACO Proliferation
Former Mass. Governor Says Industry is "Futzing Around" With ACOs
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