San Francisco-based Dignity Health and Nashville, Tenn.-based Vanguard Health Systems have announced plans for their Arizona hospitals to form an accountable care organization and file for participation in the Medicare Shared Savings Program.
The ACO would be a joint model between Dignity Health Arizona, which is based in Chandler and comprised of three acute-care hospitals, and Vanguard's Phoenix-based Abrazo Health Care, which includes five acute-care hospitals. The model would include about 700 physicians.
Dignity and Vanguard intend to file their CMS application before the Sept. 6 deadline.
In other news, Dignity is also hoping to connect independent physicians through a health information exchange, developed in partnership with the Arizona State Physicians Association. The exchange is called Phoenix Connected Community. It will allow physicians to access MobileMD, the HIE in use by Dignity providers.
Philanthropy's Important Role in the Transition to Accountable Care Organizations
Infographic: ACOs With the Most Physicians
The ACO would be a joint model between Dignity Health Arizona, which is based in Chandler and comprised of three acute-care hospitals, and Vanguard's Phoenix-based Abrazo Health Care, which includes five acute-care hospitals. The model would include about 700 physicians.
Dignity and Vanguard intend to file their CMS application before the Sept. 6 deadline.
In other news, Dignity is also hoping to connect independent physicians through a health information exchange, developed in partnership with the Arizona State Physicians Association. The exchange is called Phoenix Connected Community. It will allow physicians to access MobileMD, the HIE in use by Dignity providers.
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