David Cordani, CEO of health insurer Cigna, said the company plans to have one million patients enrolled in accountable care organizations by 2014, according to a Bloomberg Businessweek report.
That would be a 10-fold increase of ACO patients in that time, according to the report. Cigna currently has 17 ACO arrangements that cover approximately 100,000 people.
Mr. Cordani said the company philosophically believes ACOs are a big part of the solution to growing healthcare costs. He also said the Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of the healthcare reform law will not change market forces and innovation in the industry.
"There are a lot of products designed now around incenting health, incenting behavioral change and lifestyle changes and where physicians and hospitals engage in a much more comprehensive fashion," Mr. Cordani said in the report. "With or without the healthcare law, the economic forces are driving change in any regard."
That would be a 10-fold increase of ACO patients in that time, according to the report. Cigna currently has 17 ACO arrangements that cover approximately 100,000 people.
Mr. Cordani said the company philosophically believes ACOs are a big part of the solution to growing healthcare costs. He also said the Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of the healthcare reform law will not change market forces and innovation in the industry.
"There are a lot of products designed now around incenting health, incenting behavioral change and lifestyle changes and where physicians and hospitals engage in a much more comprehensive fashion," Mr. Cordani said in the report. "With or without the healthcare law, the economic forces are driving change in any regard."
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