19 Metrics to Measure Hospitals' Progress Toward Value-Based Care

Hospitals and health systems need metrics to determine their progress in moving toward a pay-for-performance model, according to a report by the American Hospital Association's Health Research & Educational Trust and Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence.

The report, "Metrics for the Second Curve of Health Care," suggests metrics to meet four value-based strategies prioritized in a previously released AHA report, "Hospitals and Care Systems of the Future," as healthcare transitions from fee-for-service to pay-for-performance.

Strategy 1: Aligning hospitals, physicians and other clinical providers across the continuum of care
1. Percentage of aligned and engaged physicians.
2. Percentage of physician and other clinical provider contracts containing performance and efficiency incentives aligned with accountable care organization-type incentives.
3. Availability of non-acute services.
4. Distribution of shared savings and performance bonuses or gains to aligned physicians and clinicians.
5. Number of covered lives accountable for population health (e.g., ACOs or patient-centered medical homes).
6. Percentage of clinicians in leadership.

Strategy 2: Utilizing evidence-based practices to improve quality and patient safety

7. Effective measurement and management of care transitions.
8. Management of utilization variation.
9. Reducing preventable admissions, readmissions, emergency department visits, complications and mortality.
10. Active patient engagement in design and improvement.

Strategy 3: Improving efficiency through productivity and financial management
11. Expense per episode of care.
12. Shared savings, financial gains or risk-bearing arrangements from performance-based contracts.
13. Targeted cost-reduction and risk-management goals.
14. Management to Medicare payment levels.

Strategy 4: Developing integrated information systems
15. Integrated data warehouse.
16. Lag time between analysis and availability of results.
17. Understanding of population disease patterns.
18. Use of electronic health information across the continuum of care and community.
19. Real-time information exchange.

The report breaks down these metrics further to measure progress on value-based care.

More Articles on Value-Based Care:

AHA Report Suggests Metrics for Value-Based Care Strategies
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